A gallery of customized Argus cameras
ACG member David Derr is the owner of this Argus C3 with a C44 Cintagon lens modified to C3 mount.
"Frankenstein," an Argus C4 modified with a Compur shutter taken from a Yashica-Mat modified by Dave Harris with help
from "Igor."
Demi C3" A half-frame Argus C3 with modified film advance cog and film plane mask modified by Edmund Kowalski.
Argus 21 w. T-mount modification by Edmund Kowalski.
The Uber-A: Model A Tele-Munchen modification by Edmund J. Kowalski.
The Kowalski Argolet: Edmund J. Kowalski fuses an Argus A lens and shutter onto a Ricolet.
C3 with rapid film advance.
C3 with rapid film rewind.
C4 with 42mm Pentax screw mount.
Argoflex E modified to accept 828 roll film.
A2B ready for remote control.
A3 with Kodak lens & Compur shutter.
Argus A with modified focus.
Argus A with remote control Agfa lens.